Just for Fun

Fun mommyhood tips just because. My stinker is 8 months and my life has turned upside down for the better. I would not change it for a thing but goodness gracious sometimes I just have to have that third cup of coffee, put Moana first thing in the morning or maybe three times throughout the day just so I can use the bathroom, maybe eat if I remember, or guzzle three water bottles down. Mommyhood is fun but crazy. The last two nights I have lost sleep because of teething and I feel like a crazy person. And in my crazed state I was thinking about all the things I have to do on a day to day basis to survive. These are my tips and I hope you enjoy them!

  1. Its okay if you have to put on Little Baby Bums on or Moana on in the morning so you can make that cup of coffee, sip it in peace, or use the bathroom alone. I usually try not to put a show on till the afternoon or evening but somedays its the first thing in the morning just so I can make a cup of coffee, and then sip it while its hot. Its okay your not a bad mom if you have to do it.
  2. Binky or no binky its up to you. Dont listen to people when they tell you that your child shouldnt use a pacifier. You know your child better than anyone else and if your baby likes the binky then let em. Before Syd I said I wouldnt give my baby a binky but then I had her and she likes the binky and it helped her go to sleep. And I had to do what I had to do to survive.
  3. If you have had puke in your hair for three days just put a headband on it and call it good. No one will notice or smell it unless its the sour kind of puke.
  4. If you can only shower once a week just change your underwear if you remember.
  5. Dirty clothes. Put them right in the washer if you have one. And if you start the washer try and remember to change them to the dryer so you dont have to re-wash them.
  6. Co-sleep. Crib. Do whatever works for you. Since day one my stinker has been in bed with me. I had to do what I had to do to survive and she was feeding every 2 hours and if she was in a crib I would not have been able to function in the morning. And now that shes teething shes feeding all through the night. IF you do co-sleep dont forget to cut their nails. Its the worst when they’re sleeping next to you and then they scratch you with their long toenails or long fingernails haha!
  7. Some days you will feel soo flipping crazy its not even funny. You will have crazy thoughts. And just feel horrible. Get outside. DO something to get you out of that funk because if not you will go down that rabbit hole of misery.
  8. When you’re so sleep deprived and your baby is crying all night you might get upset with her. Just remember its not their fault. Try and take a deep breathe. Its easier said then done but just know that you’re not alone. Many mothers have had those same exact thoughts and feelings. It makes me feel better knowing that there are other mothers out there who have felt this same exact way.
  9. Drink water. And lots of it. Especially if your breastfeeding. I got a super duper extra large water bottle so I could remember to drink water. Some days I remember and other days I have a pounding headache because I havent drank any.
  10. Get an instant pot because it will save your life. Almost all of my meals have been cooked in the instant pot and it has saved my grumbling belly. And make enough for leftovers. Or have really awesome friends who will make you meals and deliver them to you. Last semester I lost weight because I wasnt eating. I had homework. I was stressed. Was taking care of Syd by myself. And when I had free time I would sew because it saved me from going crazy.
  11. Have a Jenine. She saves me somedays well most days from going crazy. My husband works away from home and every 2 weeks its just me and baby. Jenine is always there when I need to talk to a real person. I can text her whenever and I dont have to bother my husband at work. Have a Jenine because it be can really helpful.
  12. Try and get out of the house once a day even if its just a short 5 minute walk. It’s helpful. Trust me.
  13. Dont buy them a ton of toys. All they want to play with is empty water bottles, the outlets, empty paper towel rolls, and cardboard boxes.
  14. If your stinker is teething try everything. If it doesnt work try it one more time. If it still doesnt work then you got lucky and have one tough cookie. Lets hope that you are tougher than your stinker and remind yourself that it is only temporary and you can do it. With Syd I have tried an amber necklace, frozen wash cloths, pressing on her gums, numerous teething toys, lavender oil, clove oil, oragel, toughing it out, and frozen moose jerky which worked for a time until she got sick of it haha. And tylenol worked but I didnt want to give it to her all the time because I felt like I was over-drugging her with it.
  15. My baby girl is one of the toughest sleep fighters I have ever met. I dont know how I got so lucky but instead of getting upset I just take it one nap at a time. Some nights she gets to sleep at a reasonable hour some nights shes up till 11. We are trying to follow a nightly routine but some days I am so exhausted and can barely take care of myself we skip it.
  16. Sleep regressions are real. I dont know when or why they happen but they suck. Syd use to sleep awesome through the night and then hit one of those damn sleep regressions and she has been stuck in it ever since. And again I just remind myself that this sleep deprivation is only temporary.
  17. Just go with the sleep regressions. Its too tough to fight them and try and get them on a schedule. Trust me.
  18. Get used to using the bathroom with your stinker ALLLLL the time unless they’re sleeping. Bring toes to the bathroom so they’re not pulling at your pants or sweats. And if your stinker is mobile you might want to get those handy dandy cupboard locks because they are going to pulling at them the whole time haha.
  19. When people tell me I have a cute little boy I just agree. I dont correct them and tell them that she is a girl even if she is wearing a camo fleece suit and a pink hat. Its not worth it to correct them because usually they apologize and maybe feel bad but its just not worth it.
  20. Hold them too much because they are only little once. It goes by way too fast. Way too fast. You cant spoil a child with too much love.
  21. Be patient. Dont forget about your husband, boyfriend, partner.ย  Get a babysitter and take your husband out for pizza and beer.ย Pamper yourself if you cant do it once a week try once a month.
  22. And most importantly take care of yourself because if you are starving, thirsty, sleep deprived, and then having to take care of your stinker it is not a fun combination. She can cry just its good for her. As long as she is fed, and has a clean diaper she’s okay.

Its been so fun being Syd’s mom. Some days I feel like a bad mom because I let her watch Moana twice but then I remind myself that I could be doing something worse like getting drunk. I am learning to navigate this mommyhood and it has taught me to be flexible, patient, and super duper extra loving. If you have any fun mommyhood tips I would love to hear what has helped you ๐Ÿ™‚

I hope you enjoyed these!

And Syd says Hi! ๐Ÿ™‚


And if you are thinking of nursing school do it before you have kids. Because holy cats in the hat it is crazy with a little stinker ๐Ÿ™‚ But it is sooo worth it! We start third semester in less then 2 weeks and I know it is going to get unbearably tough but I know I can do it because its only 120 days of madness!