Wiinga: About Me

Waqaa & Hello!

This is me. Nikki/Stinky/Quluqaq. I was born and raised in beautiful Bethel, Alaska. I am life long student. Registered Nurse. And I am an Aspiring Nurse Practitioner. Crafter. Sewer. Hunter. Gatherer. Practicing gathering plants as medicine. Skin Sewer. Beading enthusiast. And I love the outdoors.

I share all things Sew Yup’ik about me whether it’s sewing, gathering plants to create into beautiful homemade goodness, my path to financial independence, growing up in a chaotic household, and sew much more.

I am a mother to 6. Married to the love of my life for the last 9 years. Dog mama. Sew Yup’ik was something that was created on my kitchen countertops in 2015 and has transformed into so much more than I had expected. My goal for 2021 is to blog more and share more about my life. My dreams and goals are to one day  for work to be an option and not a necessity. I am working on creating that dream and I hope you enjoy following me as I work towards it. Quyana for visiting my page.

I am working on creating a page on each platform for now you can find me at:

Sew Yup’ik Facebook 

@sewyupik on Instagram

sewyupik on TikTok

And find my tutorials on my Sew Yup’ik channel on Youtube.


Welcome to my first and very own blog.

I live in the cold, where -40 is normal. The cost of living is sky high. There are no fast food joints, movie theaters, arcades, or anything normal. We have to be creative.

I am a lover of all things. The outdoors. The indoors. I love reading, writing, cooking. I am a student. I love to learn new things. I hope to learn to play the ukulele, and guitar. This coming summer will be my second go around and gardening, and it is definately a learning process. I love to be active. I am married to a wonderful man who is the best part of my day. I have 5 beautiful children, and my toddler keeps me on my toes.

I am learning to blog. I am learning to live healthy every day one step at a time. I hope you enjoy.

If interested in ordering a qaspeq, make up bag, cup cozy, table runner, or anything else you can reach me by email sewyupik@gmail.com

Find me on FaceBook Sew Yup’ik

Or find me on Instagram Sew Yup’ik

Lastly if you cant find me any thru any of those outlets send me a smoke signal 🙂

8 Replies to “Wiinga: About Me”

  1. All I can tell you is that I would love to see some of what you make in person. I love your energy and your style in all I have seen in your sewing. Please…Barb

    1. I will look for it in my recipe book and share it with you! It is almost that time. I am hoping to make spruce tip jalapeno jelly 🙂

  2. Nikki, thank you for following my blog. I hope it will bring enrichment to your life. Obviously, that is what your creativity expressed in your sewing is doing for yourself and others. I remember that I bought my very own sewing machine when I was fourteen years old and spent many years making clothes for my family members and myself. Now I try to channel that creativity time into writing.

    1. Thank you Judy! It is so refreshing to know that I am not alone in this journey as a child of an alcoholic. Sewing is part of my healing and it allows me to escape from reality. I have steered away from writing but I am slowly getting there. Thank you for your kind words 🙂

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